Please note that our office will be closed on the 7th of June for a sponsored walk.

Safe Use of Heaters on Site

Fan Heater Pointed At Cardboard

Now’s the time you start wondering why you bought so many fans earlier in the year! British winter is with us again, so we’re dusting off the heaters and bringing out all the cold weather gear once more.

Room heaters, both fixed and portable can pose a significant fire hazard, and space heating on construction sites needs to be fully risk assessed.   We’ve put together a few reminders to help you keep your site safe:

  • JCOP states that all heaters in TAUs must be fixed, preferably above floor level, fitted with securely fixed metal guards and maintained in a sound condition.
  • Carelessly drying clothes can cause fires. Coat stands and drying racks must be firmly positioned at a safe distance from heaters, which should be thermostatically controlled and have enclosed elements.
  • All heaters and cooking appliances must be properly installed and adequate ventilation provided.
  • Where portable heaters are permitted, ensure they are PAT tested and never join extension leads. Ensure heaters are at a safe distance from all combustible materials (clothing, desks, paper etc) and turn them off before you leave the room.
  • During the run up to Christmas you may have flammable 12orations, Christmas trees etc in the office – ensure these are not too close to heaters and lights and that emergency exit routes are not impeded.
  • LPG heaters are not recommended, but if they are necessary, ensure you follow all relevant safety guidance, including adequate ventilation. Special care is needed when storing LPG cylinders – check out the HSG 168 Fire Safety on Construction Sites guidance

More advice on construction site fire safety…

For more advice on construction site fire safety compliance get in touch with our knowledgeable team on +44 (0)330 7000 777 or [email protected]. With 30 years of experience, we can help you keep up with all of the rules and regulations and ensure that you achieve compliance as quickly and effectively as possible.

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