Please note that our office will be closed on the 7th of June for a sponsored walk.

What we care about

We like to be loud and clear about our company values

Our Company Values really define the soul of the organisation. These are the attributes which we as individuals, and as a collective whole, value and cherish. These are the qualities that direct how we do things every day.


Firstly, we’re absolutely committed to align with the Governments NetZero targets and we’re pragmatically reviewing all current practices with an ambitious goal to be carbon neutral by the end of the decade.

Secondly, (and perhaps ultimately having far more impact to the overall NetZero mission), we innovate, support and promote sustainable practice within the construction sector, and have been doing this for years. We believe that by starting with a great product, manufacturing it here in the UK, and ensuring it’s tough enough to last a proper life-time, does much more good for the environment than grandiose commitments about what we intend to do in 10 years time! It’s today. It’s now. Why put sustainability off?

Ask about sustainability

Don't just take our word for it, here’s what our clients have to say

Charitable Support

As an established, stable business we’re grateful for what we have, and we’re enthusiastic about continuing to improve construction workers’ lives every single day. But we’re also very aware of so many others in the world that need urgent support and we’re committed to doing something to help, however insignificant in proportion to the need it may sometimes feel.

Our core route of providing support is regular financial giving to a very wide range of international charities via the Grace Trust. Find out more here

We also love getting ‘hands on’ with sponsored activities and events that aid charities that are particularly near to us as a team; whether geographically, or whether we’re directly touched by a specific charity’s work. That gives us an excellent opportunity to support charities that have real meaning to our whole team. Follow us on LinkedIn if you’re interested to find out more!